First online: 2021-11-19 21:28:56
Last online: 2021-11-26 23:07:35
-22063020 gap to the best. Top -22075444.
Killed players
14446 gap to the best. Top 14462. Average on server 38.9496
Killed zombies
5343 gap to the best. Top 5419.
died by suicides
died by AI
419 gap to the best. Top 419.
died by players
2600 gap to the best. Top 2655.
distance travelled
1404 km
avg life time
7 m
Created with Highcharts 8.2.2 K/D kills \ deads \ KD Last 365 days Kills Dead K/D
VictimName Distance Weapon Name Datetime
Jeffnut 19 DMR DayZ Camo 2022-06-08 08:35:48
gouchlord 93 Mosin Nagant 2021-11-26 22:58:10
sasag 72 M4A1 CCO 2021-11-25 21:25:29
sasag 149 Mosin Nagant PU 2021-11-25 21:09:04
james 85 Mosin Nagant PU 2021-11-25 20:38:03
NATRID 211 Mosin Nagant PU 2021-11-21 23:07:02
bogda 107 CZ 750 2021-11-21 22:52:07
bogda 1 M14 CCO Camo 2021-11-21 22:43:46
bogda 25 Mosin Nagant PU 2021-11-21 22:34:51
stuli 187 CZ 750 2021-11-21 21:32:42
mouse 11 M4A1 CCO 2021-11-21 20:43:03
Barry O 84 Mosin Nagant PU 2021-11-19 23:22:54
BEN 133 Mosin Nagant PU 2021-11-19 23:10:56
Jeffnut 87 M4A1 CCO 2021-11-19 22:41:36
Cakir 106 Mk48 CCO 2021-11-19 21:46:34
Jaguar 47 Mk48 CCO 2021-11-19 21:39:54
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